• Suppresses Appetite

    Promotes a feeling of fullness by making your brain think you're full, and by slowing gastric emptying, which helps control the rate at which carbohydrates are absorbed into the bloodstream.

  • Regulates Bloodsugar

    By promoting insulin secretion, GLP-1 receptor agonists help regulate blood sugar levels and prevent spikes after meals.

  • Eliminates Cravings

    Say goodbye to the cravings that make regular dieting so challenging. This and appetite suppression contribute to easily achieving a caloric deficit, the key to weight loss.

  • Additional benefits

    Recent discoveries show GLP-1/GIP medications have cardiovascular and neurological benefits.

LeanRx telehealth visit


STEP 1: Schedule a brief online consultation.

STEP 2: Complete a medical history.

STEP 3: Have a telehealth call with a licensed provider who will prescribe a medical weight loss plan, if appropriate.

STEP 4: Receive your medication quickly and discretely. Start losing weight!

Let's get started!
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